Monday, October 31, 2011

blog 5

Mankind are curious creates.They always want to make improvement to current technology and themselves.However what they fail to realize is that sooner or later these improvements that we are making are only blinding us to what we are actually doing to ourselves.Eventually they will soon despise their creations and improvement and come to realize that the answer that they are looking for is already solved.
In the movie Gatteca genetically engineered Anton and normal human being Vincent were brothers.The fact that Anton was genetically engineered he was thought by the society and his parents the he was the superior one in comparison to his brother Vincient.Initially the was proven to be true when vincent and his brother will play a game call cat where they will swim out into the sea and who ever out of the two gave up they will be the loser.Anton always dominated this game.Even at the same age Anton was the taller of the two,he grew at a faster rate than his brother vincient.ONe day when they were playing cat vincient for the first time won his genitically superior brother.This victory changed his life.He went on to accomplished his dream as an astronut. ALthough he accomplished this dream by impersonating Eugene,genetically engineered, identity he was succesful. His brother on the other hand was a detective which is low in rank than an astronut.All in All genetical engineered humans are not superior than the average human being.The average human beings will soon come to this realization that genetically transforming someone is a was of investment hence they will look at them as the other an destroy them.
IN the essay by Annas man on the moon,he mentioned the crusadors wanted to eradicate the muslims who were considered to be the other. This war took place in the middle age.Turkish muslims occupied jerusalem and the crusadors who were christians wanted to eradicate them from the holy land.The crusadors hosted wars against the muslims known as the Crusades.This war went on for two hundred years.The Muslim remained undefeated which in turn lead the crusades back to italy.The crusades thought that the muslims were inferior to them,however the reversed proved to be true.
Through out history women have been treated inferior and discriminated by their superior bieng,man.I beleived that this concept stem from the bible where it says that God extracted a rib from man to produce a woman and that god have created a woman as a helper to man rather than a dominator. IN the period of the reniasance women were not allowed to go on stage and sing.When shakespeare wrote his play Romeo and Juliet it was a man who acted as juliet on stage. In the Jehovah witness fate women are not allowed to go on the stage an administer the word of god.There also have a saying that women are bond to the laws of their husbands.In other words the man is the sole controller of their lives.IF you look at women roles in society you will see that women are as capable as men or even better.Oprah whinfrey,Hillery clinton just to name a few are carrying out dominatant roles in domestically and internationally.WOMen in general will start veiwing men as the other.

1 comment:

  1. This has lots of good examples, but it looks hastily written Jumel--lots of editing mistakes which are not like you. Also, it is best not to get sidetracked with the gender issue
