Personally blogging allowed me to evaluate my weakness and capitalized on it.It gave me the oppurtunity to view other individuals blogs and compare my blog to theirs. This was applicable to me because i have a personal motto which says:"the greatest teacher is yourself".So instead of me going to the teacher every minute to figure out what was wrong with my essay i could go on other peoples blog,compare their essay with my essay and asses my mistakes on my own.
Blogging was very convenient to me because it allowed me to manage my time.I had the oppurtunity to type on my blogger whenever I wanted to. Sometimes when i was unable to finish my assignments on time I had the oppurtunity to go home and finish it. This gave me more time to brain storm on the subject and produce my best work.
Blogging created and easy way for the teacher and I to communicate.If I presented an unsatisfactory work my teacher will comment on it. He would tell me my where I went wrong.
Blogging gave me the oppurtunity to comment on other peoples blogger. In a sense I was a teacher pointing out other students, not only in my class but other class,mistakes. I was able to give them advice on how to improve their work.
I am the individual that makes allot of careless mistakes in my writing. On paper my work would look untidy.blogging enable me to correct any minor mistakes without my work looking unpresentable.
My hand writing is not one hundred percent legible. When I am writing an essay and I am short on time I tend to scribble. My scribbling makes it difficult for my lecturer to comprehend the point I am trying to bring accross in my writing so he will give me a bad grade. Blogging eliminates this problem by allowing me to present legible work regardless of if I am short on time.
I am a slow typer.My typing speed is fifteen words per minute.Blogger enables me to practice my typing skills. Improvement in my typing speed will enable to be more effecient when i have to do other assignment.
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