Monday, September 26, 2011

blog 2

In the period of the middle age into the reniassance mankind thought that the world was flat. They believed that if the sail to the end of the horizon they will fall off the world and die.This ideology came from the biblical teachings of the bible.In those time the church monopolized learning. The pope was in controll of the roman catholic church and anyone who went against the laws of the church was severely punished.
The people from europe were engaged in trade with the outside world.Unfortunately a german tribe raided the roman empire.They raped women and burned buildings.The aftermath of this was that europe lost contact with the outside world.Thus there weren't any trading with europe and the outside world (india and china).The Portugal people were great navigators of the sea.They discovered a way to regain contact with india and china. They accomplished this by sailing along the coast of africa,ensuring that they kept their eyes on the continent africa. They sail around the continent of africa for many years untill they rediscoverd india. After the discovery rigorous trade imerged between portugal and india. The spaniard were jealous of the portugese success so they decided to give christoper columbus a chance with his idea. Christopher columbus believe that the world was round and if he sailed east he could emerge on the west.Those who opposed him taught that the world was flat.
In 1492 Chritopher Columbus departed spain on his first voyage. He was in command of the three ships:the nina, pinta and the santa maria.Christopher colombus estimated the the voyage to take four weeks but unfortunately due to the wind condition he did not sight land within that time.His crew became uneasy and wanted to return to spain.Christoper Columbus negotiated with his crewmen.He said that if they did not sight land within three days they would return to spain. Within three days the Pinta was the first ship to dock on the shores of the Bahamas.Later on he discovered more land. He did not rediscovered india,however his success in discovering lands supported his belief that the world was round.

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