Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog 3: Matrix and Plato--Which is more accurate?

Forsaking an illusion and conforming to the reality is more accurate in plato's story about the allegory of the cave than the movie ''The matrixs. History has proven that giving up an illusion and conforming to reality is benificial.
In the prehistoric times mankind thought that the world was flat.This thought prevented people from traveling because they thought they would die.
This thought was reinforced by the teaching of the church.It was untill the year 1492 when christopher columbus traveled to the caribbean mankind change their thought about the world being flat.When they discovered that the world was round and not flat they began to travel.Travelling enable different country and island to trade goods and service with one another.This created a new civilization in that trading help strengten a country economyand it allowed impoved communication amongs the countrys
In the period of the reniasance and the middle age there was a obstacle between biblical teaching and science.The church monopolized learning and every thing the the church thought was believed to be true.The church believed that the planets revolve around earth. A great italian scientist called Galilio prove them wrong by observing the plants at night with a telescope.His results proved that it was the planets that revolved around the sun.When he published his findings the church sommoned his arrest. He was placed in solitary confinement.He was released when he conformed to what the churched believed.He later died.Due to additional reseach by other scientist on galileo discoveres man kind is now able to travel to the moon.Mankind are now able to understand the reason for climate changes. The weather man is now able to predict the weather and make us better prepared for bad weather or a huricane.
More than a decade the little island of Trinidad and Togabo (Caribbean)was colonized by the British monarchy.There was a scolar called Dr.Eric Williams who believed that the twin island could stand alone.The citizens of that island thought it was impossible.However the british monarchy decided to give him a chance.Now Trinidad and Tobago is the strongest economical island in the caribbean.Although a third world country Trinidad and Tobago is competing with first world country in the trading market.This is very benificial for the country's development.
When I was younger people aroud me gave me the impression that america was the land of milk and honey.People never had to work hard in this place.It was a free for all.When I came to America and experience it for myself I learnt that they were lying.America is a place where an individual have to work hard,like the assidious Mexican to be prosperous and enjoy the luxury of life.Although some people don't like working hard due to lazyness.Hard work make an individual stronger physically and mentally.It gives one the endurance to cope with life stresses and it also prepares one for the unexpected.
Those poeple that were born into slavery never new the world outside of slavery. They thought that this was the only way of life.They never had controll of they lives and certain privilidges to them was inaccesible. For instance a free education.After the victory from Martin luther fight for equallity of treatment and other mogul like malcom X,Nelson Mandela and Bob marley.Those who were born into slavery are now in access to privilidges that were previously denied.
HIstorical examples and personal experiense shows that giving up an illusion and embracing the truth is more accurate in PLato's story than in the movie THE matrixs.

1 comment:

  1. Jumel, while some editing is needed, this is a good, well structured argument with plenty of evidence to support your position
