Monday, October 31, 2011

blog on essay 1

blog on essay 1

Forsaking an illusion and accepting reality is more accurate in Palto's expert "the allegory of the cave",than in the matrixs.Historical as well as personal example demonstrates that this is true.
Inthe year 1462 there was a navigator by the name of christopher colombus.He believed that the world was round.However most people in the era thought that the world was flat and if anyone sailed to the horizon they will fall off and die.The portuguese were great sea navigators.They were able to sail to india,whom they lost contact with before the reniasance,and engage in trade.Because of the back and forth trading portugal became wealthy.Spain was jealous of portugal's successso they decided to give into Christopher Colombus ideology.He believed that by sailing west he would end up on the east,thus regaining contact with the out side worl,india and china.Spain king and Queen finance the trip.
IN 1492christopher columbus engaged in sailing.His crewmen sommoned him to return because they were not optimistic in his ideology.He negotiated with them saying "Give him one more day and if he doesnot sight land he will return.Eventual they sightedland.It was the island The Bahamas. Although christopher columbus did not find india or china his belief was verified that the world was round and not flat.Now mankind is able to navigate the sea,trading goods and service with different countries,thus building their economy.
In the period of the middle age and the renaisane the church monopolized learning and most people were illiterate.Broadcasting information that was contrary to what was thought by the church was considered a crime against God.The church believed that it was the other planets that revolved around the earth. An italian scientist called galileo Galo made observation of the universe. At night he looked at the planets through a powerful telescope. He observed certain patterns of the planets. the results of his Experiments proved to him that it was the planets that revolved aroud the sun.He published his findings andhe was arrested by the church.He was released when he conformed to there belief. he later died.Other scientist investigated his finding and found it to be true.In the mordern age because of galileo belief mankind is able to predict the weather,travel to space allowing satellite to orbit the earth and fully comprehend the esoteric laws of physics.
the british monarchy colonized alot of nations,including the united states of America.One particular island they colonized were Trinidad and Tobago. A greatman called Dr. eric Williams believed that the islan was capable of standing on its own feet.The citizens of the island did not believed him.They were looking at the size of britian and its economic strength in comparison to Trinidad and Tobago.Dr.eric williams proposed his thoughts to the Queen of england and she decided to give him a chance.Dr eric williams became the prime minister of the island and the country was able to stand on its own feet.Although Trinidad and TObago is a Third world country they are able to compet in the global market.They are so economically prosperous that they are assisting other islands. Thanks to Dr.eric williams belief that Trinidad and Tobago could be an independent nation.
People who were born into slavery did not believe in freedom.They never knew what it felt like to be emancipated from slavery.those slaves,who were able to by themselves out of slaverywere at a disadvantage because their living conditions were poor.They still had to work and they were not given full priviledges.The right to vot and obtain an education were denied from them.It was not untill great men like Martin Luther,Malcolm X and Nelson mandela who fought for the emancipation of slavery that those ,bonded by slavery,now enjoy the prosperity of being free.Now these people who were once slaves are able are to vote,obtain an education and practice their religious beliefs.
When i was youngerpeople gave me the impression that america was heaven.In america you dont have to work hardand things were cheap and affordable.Looking at rappers on television programs also reinforce that belief.Economic conditions and opportunity were declining in my country so I decided to miograte to amereica.My first job was roof construction.I had to work at seven o,clock in the morning to attend work and depart at eight o clock at night.Sometimes i would have to shovel off three layers of shingles from the roof. It was real hard work.I had never endured such physical labor in my life.eventually i became used to it.Although some people dont like working hard,hard work have benifits.working hard though meto save and value what I also taught me how to be responsible.It opened my eyes to the world where a mother or father makes that sacrifice to feed and send their children to school.It also taught me that I should not take life for granted.
Based on examples in history and personal experiences,giving up an illusion and embracing reality is painful but eventually we accept that the reality is better.

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