Tuesday, October 18, 2011

blog 4 ignorant bliss and knowledge

In the story Odipus the king,Odipus was ignorant to the fact of what was causing the city to be plagued by with suffuring.Lines 29-30 states "Disease infects our fruits blossoms in our land, diease infects our herds of grazing cattle etc" etc.In an effort to satisfy hih curiosity Odipus dispatched Creon his brother in law to learn the cause of the disaster.Lines 81-83 states "So i have sent out my brother-in-law,son of Menoeceous,Creon,To PYthain Apollo's shrine,to learn from him what I might do or say to save the city".Creon came back with the awsner stating to Odipus that it is the death of Laius was the cause of the suffering.In order to rectify the situation Odipus had to find the killer.This again demonstrate that he was ignorant of who the killer was.Lines 31-32 states "WHen Laius fell in bloody death,where was he-at home or in the field or in another land.
In the matrix Neo was ignorant to what the matrix was.When neo was at his office he got a phone call from morphus.Morphus said to neo "I know you have a question".Neo responded by saying what is the Matrixs.When Trinity met Neo at the Club she began talking in his hear saying I Know you want to know what is the matrixs.To satisfy his curiosity Neo took trinity's request to see Morphus.
Both Neo and Odipus was Ignorant to Knowlegde,in their cave, but they were willing to explore the truth.
When Teiresias told Odipus that he (odipus) was the killer.Lines 421 states "For the accused polluter of this land is you".Odipus did not accept the truth and he rebuked the prophet.In the Matrixs when neo swollowed the pill morphus revealed the matrixs to him.At first he did not accept the truth but eventually he did.
Odipus eventually was convinced that he was the killer after the servant who was with Laius at the time of his death told him the story. The story was a reflection of what Odipus had experience in the past.The truth cause his wife who was also his mother jocasta, to commit suicide.Odipus in turn blind himself.Odipus fate was death or he must flee the land and left to die.The prophecy of the gods was fullfilled:The son will kill his father and marry his mother.The truth is very humiliating and degrading.Knowing the truth was not bliss.
In the Matrixs Neo learnt that the world in which he was living in was the matrixs and not the real world the real world was a deserted barren land where humans were used as fuel for the agents.So in the matrixs Knowledge is not bliss.In the matrixs Cipher sell out morphus to the agents, in return the agents promised him he will eradicate his memory about the real world and allow him to live in the matrixs.Cipher could not tolerate the truth of what the real world was (not bliss) so he decided to live in his cave(the matrixs).
In the matrixs and odipus knowledge is not bliss. Remaining in the cave,ignorance to the truth, is bliss.

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