Monday, November 28, 2011

blog 8

the themes that was prominent through out the entire movies that i have seen and texts that i have read is freewill. the first text i read was allegory of the cave. this text is about people that were chained,thus preventing them from freely moving as they want. This shows that they did not have freewill.Socrates told Glaucon that if we allow one of them out in the open.This shows that there actions was controlled by a master so they did not have free will.The fact that they lacked knoweledge displays that they did not have free will because without knoledge you cannot choice what you dont know,you will be ignorant to facts.This scene taught me that without knowledge of something you dont have freewill.
In the matrix there was freewill.Neo had to a choice between the red pill and the blue pill.The fact that he was knoledgable about what the matrixs was he could now choose freely.Reiterating my first point without knowledge about something there is no freewill. You will be a dark world onto yourself.In gatteca freewill was not evident because the individual who were to become genitically engineered become so by the choice of their parents.So they did not have freewill.This taught me that when you parents make certain choices for you in life you dont have freewill because it was not a spontaneous decision on your behalf.An examle is when you parents sends you to school that is not you choice its your parents choice and at at tender age you cannot comprehend the importance of school you just have to follow their instructions.In odipus the king odipus did not have free will because the Gods already decided his future. This caused me to reflect on the political leads that we chose to rule us dominates the choices of our live. They rule us on how they see it is fit,regargless of our opinions.

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