Tuesday, December 6, 2011

blog 9

As a writer I did not see much improvement in my writing.It was kind of confusing to me because what is accepted by one reader is disregarded by the other. Its like the say: one man's waste is another man's treasure.The first essay I wrote in this class was mediocore to me,however my professer found it to be and exceptional piece.He said I am a thoughtfull writer.He said I develop my points well which I agree. But there were some things I that he said that I was not clear about.In the first essay I made a point on slavery. I said in that essay that those who were born into slavery did not believe freedom was possible. When Martin luther king fought for equality of trearment regardless of your ethnic group and succeeded it brougth tremendous happiness. These slave were entitled to a proper education,voting rights,a seat on a bus ride etc. This point was related to the thesis: the the reality is better than the illussiom (living in the cave).The reality was better than the illusion. The illusion was that slavery was not possible but the reality was that it was actually possible and better because those who were slaves were able to benifit from a proper education and equal voting rights which was actually better than the illussion.So I did not understand my professor when he stated that he did not understand how my point fitted in with the thesis.
The in-class dicussion was very helpful to me especially when we looked at the move and discussed it the following class.Maybe I did not pay full attention to the movie the matrix but when I looked at it I thought the the matrixs was the spacesuttle ship that Neo,Trinity,Morpeus was in. I did not think that the matrixs was earth. Our class discussion helped me clarify that misconception. The movie titled minority report was more straight forward to me although it was, according to my professor, more complicated of the two movies.
Our peer reviews was great help to me. I tried helping others but I realized that writers are very obstinate.When your read a persons piece and tells him or her what to do he or she does not do it.They prefer to stick to there own way of writing. I was not one hundred percent satisfied with my grades because I thought my writing was very outstanding, especial the second and third essay. In the second essay I considered my audience view and then contradicted them. I believe that this is the best way to approach an argumentitive essay.This tecnique is what gives a writers pieces value but my essay did not really spark the interest of my professor he said I was too broad in my writing.In essay 3 I wrote exactly on my thesis hardly considering the opposing side and he said that I minimized the opposition point of view.So I am confused in the way he wants me to approach the essay or maybe I am not as a good writer as I thought I was. Maybe I am just an average writer and not exceptional one.
But that will not deter me from producing my piece. I like to read ,write and express myself in a poetic way.This is inbeded in my bones and I will always continue to do that.I love writing.I am a persistent person and I dont like to leave no stone unturned.What I will have to do is read other peoples writing and implement there approach in my writing which I will not like because as a writer I want to be as orginal as possible. I am looking forward to my other english classes.

Monday, November 28, 2011

blog 8

the themes that was prominent through out the entire movies that i have seen and texts that i have read is freewill. the first text i read was allegory of the cave. this text is about people that were chained,thus preventing them from freely moving as they want. This shows that they did not have freewill.Socrates told Glaucon that if we allow one of them out in the open.This shows that there actions was controlled by a master so they did not have free will.The fact that they lacked knoweledge displays that they did not have free will because without knoledge you cannot choice what you dont know,you will be ignorant to facts.This scene taught me that without knowledge of something you dont have freewill.
In the matrix there was freewill.Neo had to a choice between the red pill and the blue pill.The fact that he was knoledgable about what the matrixs was he could now choose freely.Reiterating my first point without knowledge about something there is no freewill. You will be a dark world onto yourself.In gatteca freewill was not evident because the individual who were to become genitically engineered become so by the choice of their parents.So they did not have freewill.This taught me that when you parents make certain choices for you in life you dont have freewill because it was not a spontaneous decision on your behalf.An examle is when you parents sends you to school that is not you choice its your parents choice and at at tender age you cannot comprehend the importance of school you just have to follow their instructions.In odipus the king odipus did not have free will because the Gods already decided his future. This caused me to reflect on the political leads that we chose to rule us dominates the choices of our live. They rule us on how they see it is fit,regargless of our opinions.

Monday, November 21, 2011

blog 7

Personally blogging allowed me to evaluate my weakness and capitalized on it.It gave me the oppurtunity to view other individuals blogs and compare my blog to theirs. This was applicable to me because i have a personal motto which says:"the greatest teacher is yourself".So instead of me going to the teacher every minute to figure out what was wrong with my essay i could go on other peoples blog,compare their essay with my essay and asses my mistakes on my own.
Blogging was very convenient to me because it allowed me to manage my time.I had the oppurtunity to type on my blogger whenever I wanted to. Sometimes when i was unable to finish my assignments on time I had the oppurtunity to go home and finish it. This gave me more time to brain storm on the subject and produce my best work.
Blogging created and easy way for the teacher and I to communicate.If I presented an unsatisfactory work my teacher will comment on it. He would tell me my where I went wrong.
Blogging gave me the oppurtunity to comment on other peoples blogger. In a sense I was a teacher pointing out other students, not only in my class but other class,mistakes. I was able to give them advice on how to improve their work.
I am the individual that makes allot of careless mistakes in my writing. On paper my work would look untidy.blogging enable me to correct any minor mistakes without my work looking unpresentable.
My hand writing is not one hundred percent legible. When I am writing an essay and I am short on time I tend to scribble. My scribbling makes it difficult for my lecturer to comprehend the point I am trying to bring accross in my writing so he will give me a bad grade. Blogging eliminates this problem by allowing me to present legible work regardless of if I am short on time.
I am a slow typer.My typing speed is fifteen words per minute.Blogger enables me to practice my typing skills. Improvement in my typing speed will enable to be more effecient when i have to do other assignment.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

blog 6

When there are options in a person’s life, where he or she has the ability to choose he or she has free will. Similarly the article mention that free will requires two things: alternate possibilities and self-control. On the other hand when someone only has one course of action this is known as determinism. According to the article determinism is when one future is possible.
In Oedipus the king free will manifested itself when he killed his father. At the scene of the murder where the three roads meet Oedipus said he met a herald and a horse-drawn carriage. The old man in the carriage lashed out at him and he (Oedipus) retaliated, thus killing the old man and the others in the carriage. According to the article free will is having alternate possibilities and self-control. Even thou the old man in the carriage lashed out at him, Oedipus could have walked away. He was not force by any internal or external impulse which was not able to be controlled. He had a choice. Oedipus appears initially to be very belligerent and aggressive as thou he could not control his anger. But later in the play this attitude changed when he was convinced that he was his father’s killer. The way in which he spoke to Creon demonstrated this. This shows that Oedipus has self-control. He could control his temper, which is what the article mentioned about free will: alternate possibilities and self-control.
In the movie minority report before John Anderson killed Leo crow he had a choice. In the movie it was learnt that once you have fore knowledge of an event you could avert what was predicted. John Anderson knew that he was supposed to kill Leo crow according to the precog’s vision. She even told john that he had a choice. John was outrage with his son’s death and made up his mind to kill Leo crow. Leo Crow began talking and from his words John realized he was set up. His initially anger was pacified and at that moment john did not want to kill Leo crow. The fact that Leo Crow held on to Johns hand and by trying to resist the grip John killed Leo crow which I will consider accidental. The two elements that determines free will was revealed which was alternate possibilities and self-control. So in the movie minority report and in the play Oedipus the king free will manifest itself.
In the play Oedipus the king and the movie minority report there was determinism. According to the prophecy Oedipus was to kill his father and marry and conceived children with his mother .Although he tried to run away from his fate he still killed his father and marry his mother. In line 951- 954 Oedipus said “it was my fate to defile my mother‘s bed, to bring forth to men a human family that people could not bear to look upon, to murder my father who engendered me”. In the movie minority report John Anderson was supposed to kill Leo crow and he killed Leo crow. Both individuals were faced with a determined future which came to pass.
In the play Oedipus was skeptical of his destiny so to validate the story of his fate he commanded his wife to send for the servant who witnessed the murder. Lines 916-917 “I’d like him to return back here to us”. When the servant recited what happened Oedipus was convinced and in shame he gorged out his eyes because he could not face the truth. In the movie John was determined to find the truths so in order to evade detection from the pre-crime officers who will prevent him from finding the truth he replaced his eyes with new ones. Both men destiny lead them to remove their eyes.
Both john and Oedipus played a leadership role. Oedipus was a king and John was a chief detective. Oedipus was a hasty where as john was a drug addict . In the end of the movie John did not accept his fate. Before he was arrested john wanted to run from the pre-crime officers but realized he did not had any way to go. In the play Oedipus accepted his fate and was ready to face the consequences of his actions.

Monday, October 31, 2011

blog on essay 1

blog on essay 1

Forsaking an illusion and accepting reality is more accurate in Palto's expert "the allegory of the cave",than in the matrixs.Historical as well as personal example demonstrates that this is true.
Inthe year 1462 there was a navigator by the name of christopher colombus.He believed that the world was round.However most people in the era thought that the world was flat and if anyone sailed to the horizon they will fall off and die.The portuguese were great sea navigators.They were able to sail to india,whom they lost contact with before the reniasance,and engage in trade.Because of the back and forth trading portugal became wealthy.Spain was jealous of portugal's successso they decided to give into Christopher Colombus ideology.He believed that by sailing west he would end up on the east,thus regaining contact with the out side worl,india and china.Spain king and Queen finance the trip.
IN 1492christopher columbus engaged in sailing.His crewmen sommoned him to return because they were not optimistic in his ideology.He negotiated with them saying "Give him one more day and if he doesnot sight land he will return.Eventual they sightedland.It was the island The Bahamas. Although christopher columbus did not find india or china his belief was verified that the world was round and not flat.Now mankind is able to navigate the sea,trading goods and service with different countries,thus building their economy.
In the period of the middle age and the renaisane the church monopolized learning and most people were illiterate.Broadcasting information that was contrary to what was thought by the church was considered a crime against God.The church believed that it was the other planets that revolved around the earth. An italian scientist called galileo Galo made observation of the universe. At night he looked at the planets through a powerful telescope. He observed certain patterns of the planets. the results of his Experiments proved to him that it was the planets that revolved aroud the sun.He published his findings andhe was arrested by the church.He was released when he conformed to there belief. he later died.Other scientist investigated his finding and found it to be true.In the mordern age because of galileo belief mankind is able to predict the weather,travel to space allowing satellite to orbit the earth and fully comprehend the esoteric laws of physics.
the british monarchy colonized alot of nations,including the united states of America.One particular island they colonized were Trinidad and Tobago. A greatman called Dr. eric Williams believed that the islan was capable of standing on its own feet.The citizens of the island did not believed him.They were looking at the size of britian and its economic strength in comparison to Trinidad and Tobago.Dr.eric williams proposed his thoughts to the Queen of england and she decided to give him a chance.Dr eric williams became the prime minister of the island and the country was able to stand on its own feet.Although Trinidad and TObago is a Third world country they are able to compet in the global market.They are so economically prosperous that they are assisting other islands. Thanks to Dr.eric williams belief that Trinidad and Tobago could be an independent nation.
People who were born into slavery did not believe in freedom.They never knew what it felt like to be emancipated from slavery.those slaves,who were able to by themselves out of slaverywere at a disadvantage because their living conditions were poor.They still had to work and they were not given full priviledges.The right to vot and obtain an education were denied from them.It was not untill great men like Martin Luther,Malcolm X and Nelson mandela who fought for the emancipation of slavery that those ,bonded by slavery,now enjoy the prosperity of being free.Now these people who were once slaves are able are to vote,obtain an education and practice their religious beliefs.
When i was youngerpeople gave me the impression that america was heaven.In america you dont have to work hardand things were cheap and affordable.Looking at rappers on television programs also reinforce that belief.Economic conditions and opportunity were declining in my country so I decided to miograte to amereica.My first job was roof construction.I had to work at seven o,clock in the morning to attend work and depart at eight o clock at night.Sometimes i would have to shovel off three layers of shingles from the roof. It was real hard work.I had never endured such physical labor in my life.eventually i became used to it.Although some people dont like working hard,hard work have benifits.working hard though meto save and value what I earned.it also taught me how to be responsible.It opened my eyes to the world where a mother or father makes that sacrifice to feed and send their children to school.It also taught me that I should not take life for granted.
Based on examples in history and personal experiences,giving up an illusion and embracing reality is painful but eventually we accept that the reality is better.

blog 5

Mankind are curious creates.They always want to make improvement to current technology and themselves.However what they fail to realize is that sooner or later these improvements that we are making are only blinding us to what we are actually doing to ourselves.Eventually they will soon despise their creations and improvement and come to realize that the answer that they are looking for is already solved.
In the movie Gatteca genetically engineered Anton and normal human being Vincent were brothers.The fact that Anton was genetically engineered he was thought by the society and his parents the he was the superior one in comparison to his brother Vincient.Initially the was proven to be true when vincent and his brother will play a game call cat where they will swim out into the sea and who ever out of the two gave up they will be the loser.Anton always dominated this game.Even at the same age Anton was the taller of the two,he grew at a faster rate than his brother vincient.ONe day when they were playing cat vincient for the first time won his genitically superior brother.This victory changed his life.He went on to accomplished his dream as an astronut. ALthough he accomplished this dream by impersonating Eugene,genetically engineered, identity he was succesful. His brother on the other hand was a detective which is low in rank than an astronut.All in All genetical engineered humans are not superior than the average human being.The average human beings will soon come to this realization that genetically transforming someone is a was of investment hence they will look at them as the other an destroy them.
IN the essay by Annas man on the moon,he mentioned the crusadors wanted to eradicate the muslims who were considered to be the other. This war took place in the middle age.Turkish muslims occupied jerusalem and the crusadors who were christians wanted to eradicate them from the holy land.The crusadors hosted wars against the muslims known as the Crusades.This war went on for two hundred years.The Muslim remained undefeated which in turn lead the crusades back to italy.The crusades thought that the muslims were inferior to them,however the reversed proved to be true.
Through out history women have been treated inferior and discriminated by their superior bieng,man.I beleived that this concept stem from the bible where it says that God extracted a rib from man to produce a woman and that god have created a woman as a helper to man rather than a dominator. IN the period of the reniasance women were not allowed to go on stage and sing.When shakespeare wrote his play Romeo and Juliet it was a man who acted as juliet on stage. In the Jehovah witness fate women are not allowed to go on the stage an administer the word of god.There also have a saying that women are bond to the laws of their husbands.In other words the man is the sole controller of their lives.IF you look at women roles in society you will see that women are as capable as men or even better.Oprah whinfrey,Hillery clinton just to name a few are carrying out dominatant roles in domestically and internationally.WOMen in general will start veiwing men as the other.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

blog 4 ignorant bliss and knowledge

In the story Odipus the king,Odipus was ignorant to the fact of what was causing the city to be plagued by with suffuring.Lines 29-30 states "Disease infects our fruits blossoms in our land, diease infects our herds of grazing cattle etc" etc.In an effort to satisfy hih curiosity Odipus dispatched Creon his brother in law to learn the cause of the disaster.Lines 81-83 states "So i have sent out my brother-in-law,son of Menoeceous,Creon,To PYthain Apollo's shrine,to learn from him what I might do or say to save the city".Creon came back with the awsner stating to Odipus that it is the death of Laius was the cause of the suffering.In order to rectify the situation Odipus had to find the killer.This again demonstrate that he was ignorant of who the killer was.Lines 31-32 states "WHen Laius fell in bloody death,where was he-at home or in the field or in another land.
In the matrix Neo was ignorant to what the matrix was.When neo was at his office he got a phone call from morphus.Morphus said to neo "I know you have a question".Neo responded by saying what is the Matrixs.When Trinity met Neo at the Club she began talking in his hear saying I Know you want to know what is the matrixs.To satisfy his curiosity Neo took trinity's request to see Morphus.
Both Neo and Odipus was Ignorant to Knowlegde,in their cave, but they were willing to explore the truth.
When Teiresias told Odipus that he (odipus) was the killer.Lines 421 states "For the accused polluter of this land is you".Odipus did not accept the truth and he rebuked the prophet.In the Matrixs when neo swollowed the pill morphus revealed the matrixs to him.At first he did not accept the truth but eventually he did.
Odipus eventually was convinced that he was the killer after the servant who was with Laius at the time of his death told him the story. The story was a reflection of what Odipus had experience in the past.The truth cause his wife who was also his mother jocasta, to commit suicide.Odipus in turn blind himself.Odipus fate was death or he must flee the land and left to die.The prophecy of the gods was fullfilled:The son will kill his father and marry his mother.The truth is very humiliating and degrading.Knowing the truth was not bliss.
In the Matrixs Neo learnt that the world in which he was living in was the matrixs and not the real world the real world was a deserted barren land where humans were used as fuel for the agents.So in the matrixs Knowledge is not bliss.In the matrixs Cipher sell out morphus to the agents, in return the agents promised him he will eradicate his memory about the real world and allow him to live in the matrixs.Cipher could not tolerate the truth of what the real world was (not bliss) so he decided to live in his cave(the matrixs).
In the matrixs and odipus knowledge is not bliss. Remaining in the cave,ignorance to the truth, is bliss.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog 3: Matrix and Plato--Which is more accurate?

Forsaking an illusion and conforming to the reality is more accurate in plato's story about the allegory of the cave than the movie ''The matrixs. History has proven that giving up an illusion and conforming to reality is benificial.
In the prehistoric times mankind thought that the world was flat.This thought prevented people from traveling because they thought they would die.
This thought was reinforced by the teaching of the church.It was untill the year 1492 when christopher columbus traveled to the caribbean mankind change their thought about the world being flat.When they discovered that the world was round and not flat they began to travel.Travelling enable different country and island to trade goods and service with one another.This created a new civilization in that trading help strengten a country economyand it allowed impoved communication amongs the countrys
In the period of the reniasance and the middle age there was a obstacle between biblical teaching and science.The church monopolized learning and every thing the the church thought was believed to be true.The church believed that the planets revolve around earth. A great italian scientist called Galilio prove them wrong by observing the plants at night with a telescope.His results proved that it was the planets that revolved around the sun.When he published his findings the church sommoned his arrest. He was placed in solitary confinement.He was released when he conformed to what the churched believed.He later died.Due to additional reseach by other scientist on galileo discoveres man kind is now able to travel to the moon.Mankind are now able to understand the reason for climate changes. The weather man is now able to predict the weather and make us better prepared for bad weather or a huricane.
More than a decade the little island of Trinidad and Togabo (Caribbean)was colonized by the British monarchy.There was a scolar called Dr.Eric Williams who believed that the twin island could stand alone.The citizens of that island thought it was impossible.However the british monarchy decided to give him a chance.Now Trinidad and Tobago is the strongest economical island in the caribbean.Although a third world country Trinidad and Tobago is competing with first world country in the trading market.This is very benificial for the country's development.
When I was younger people aroud me gave me the impression that america was the land of milk and honey.People never had to work hard in this place.It was a free for all.When I came to America and experience it for myself I learnt that they were lying.America is a place where an individual have to work hard,like the assidious Mexican to be prosperous and enjoy the luxury of life.Although some people don't like working hard due to lazyness.Hard work make an individual stronger physically and mentally.It gives one the endurance to cope with life stresses and it also prepares one for the unexpected.
Those poeple that were born into slavery never new the world outside of slavery. They thought that this was the only way of life.They never had controll of they lives and certain privilidges to them was inaccesible. For instance a free education.After the victory from Martin luther fight for equallity of treatment and other mogul like malcom X,Nelson Mandela and Bob marley.Those who were born into slavery are now in access to privilidges that were previously denied.
HIstorical examples and personal experiense shows that giving up an illusion and embracing the truth is more accurate in PLato's story than in the movie THE matrixs.

Monday, September 26, 2011

blog 2

In the period of the middle age into the reniassance mankind thought that the world was flat. They believed that if the sail to the end of the horizon they will fall off the world and die.This ideology came from the biblical teachings of the bible.In those time the church monopolized learning. The pope was in controll of the roman catholic church and anyone who went against the laws of the church was severely punished.
The people from europe were engaged in trade with the outside world.Unfortunately a german tribe raided the roman empire.They raped women and burned buildings.The aftermath of this was that europe lost contact with the outside world.Thus there weren't any trading with europe and the outside world (india and china).The Portugal people were great navigators of the sea.They discovered a way to regain contact with india and china. They accomplished this by sailing along the coast of africa,ensuring that they kept their eyes on the continent africa. They sail around the continent of africa for many years untill they rediscoverd india. After the discovery rigorous trade imerged between portugal and india. The spaniard were jealous of the portugese success so they decided to give christoper columbus a chance with his idea. Christopher columbus believe that the world was round and if he sailed east he could emerge on the west.Those who opposed him taught that the world was flat.
In 1492 Chritopher Columbus departed spain on his first voyage. He was in command of the three ships:the nina, pinta and the santa maria.Christopher colombus estimated the the voyage to take four weeks but unfortunately due to the wind condition he did not sight land within that time.His crew became uneasy and wanted to return to spain.Christoper Columbus negotiated with his crewmen.He said that if they did not sight land within three days they would return to spain. Within three days the Pinta was the first ship to dock on the shores of the Bahamas.Later on he discovered more land. He did not rediscovered india,however his success in discovering lands supported his belief that the world was round.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

summary of the allergy

                  This story is about socrates narrating to Glaucon about human beings residing in a cave since childhood, where there legs and necks are chained,thus preventing them from turning there heads. In the cave there is a fire above and between them. These  prisoners are carrying various materials. Glaucan said these prisoners are pecular. Socrates said similiar to us and they could only view there shadow. If these prisoners could have spoken they would have named what they saw and if they heard and echo they would have related it to the passing shadow.Glaucon agreed.
                  Socrates said if they were release and exposed to the light the glare will pain their eyes. As his eyes becomes accostome to the light he will see his former reality as an illusion. He will begin to percieve everything clearer and argue that he is reponsible for the season and he is the guardian of all things.Glaucon agreed. Socrates said he will have sympathy for his fellowmen in the cave and will not want to be in there position but rather a poor servant of a poor master.
                  If he was to retreat in his old habitat and compete in a contest about measuring the passing shadow he will be irritated. His fellowmen would say "up he went and down he came,now he has lost his vision". And they will not consider ascending out of the cave. Glaucon agreed.
                 Socrates said that the prison is the world of sight and the fire is the sun. Do not misunderstand the upward journey as ascending into an interllectual world according to his conviction,whether right or wong. However the interllectual world is only seen with  an effort. It is a beautiful place were he will rationally fixed his eyes on,whether publicly or privately. Gluacon agreed

Monday, September 19, 2011

blog 1 date 09/19/2011

                                                   The cave and I 

             At the age of six when I fully began to comprehend the world people close to me gave me the impression that America was paradise. It was a place where everyone wanted to be. I will observe closely family member of mines migrated to the United States and brought back barrels of food stuff and clothes. Their arrival from America was Christmas to me. There bought with them thing my mother could not afford. There told us stories about this magnificent place. My interpretation of was that America was heaven. Everything was perfect. You did not have to work hard. Everything was at your convenience. Their stories evoked in me a strong passion to migrate to the promise land. When I was nineteen years old I bought a plane ticket and migrated to America.

             I stayed at my cousin’s house. The first day he treated me as a king. The second day he told me I had to work.  My first job was roof construction. I had to ascend a ladder and pry the shingles from the roof with a shovel resembling a fork. I struggle to pry the shingles off the roof because I never worked so hard in my life and my body was not accustom to the cold weather. Every day I attended work from seven in the morning to eight at night. I was mentally confused because I was trying to compare my belief of America to what I was experiencing at the moment. Sometimes I would wake from bed thinking that it was a dream but it wasn’t. I still had to go out there and work for minimum wage. The realization slapped me in my face and I began to think critical. I started to wonder if I had to pay rent, buy food and clothes would I have any more left for myself and my family. The answer to the question was already answered.
                         America is not a bed of roses that people perceive it to be. You have to work really hard just to survive in it.